LetzDiscover Press Kit

This is the official Press Kit of LetzDiscover

Here you can find all necessary information about LetzDiscover as well as Media material for your publication about us.

A new way to discover Luxembourg!

Our slogan


First of all lets start at the beginning. LetzDiscover is a “Mini-entreprise”, now you may ask yourself, what even is a “Mini-entreprise” Therefore we recommend you to read this short summary about the “Mini-entreprises” project and the JEL who organizes this project.

The “Jonk Entrepreneuren Lëtzebuerg asbl” which has set as its Goal to promote entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation. One of the may projects hosted by the JEL are the “Mini-entreprises”, this project encourages students aged between 15 and 19 to found their own small company for the duration of one school year, and compete against their peers at a Pitch event at the end of the year, where the best Mini-entreprise gets selected by a jury.


LetzDiscover a “Mini-entreprise”

So as you now know what the Mini-entreprises are all about, lets talk about LetzDiscover itself. The team behind LetzDiscover is composed of 7 students from the Lycée Classique de Diekirch. The members of the Team; Henning, Yul, Jules, Max, Philippe, Linda and Ben; are aged between 16 and 18 and all visit a “2e classique”. For most of the team this is the second time that they participate in this project, as they already had significant success last year with the Mini-entreprise Merkai. The team is highly motivated and convinced that their product will add value to the Luxembourgish tourism sector and offer an improvement of quality of life for the user.

The project itself

LetzDiscover! As our name suggests, our aim is to help you discover Luxembourg in an innovative way. LetzDiscover is all about exploring new places as well as rediscovering spots you’ve already been to. Our app will give you access to numerous tours in our country. While you walk along these paths, you will find QR-Codes that will offer you a new perspective on interesting points around your location when scanned. Learn more about the historical or cultural aspect of a monument or get interesting information about the local biodiversity. Partnering with Tourist offices and local producers, we bring you closer to activities and products of Luxembourg. Profit from discounts on these products and fun activities when completing one of our tours. With our application, we hope to show to international tourists the diversity of Luxembourg in both culture and nature, as well as sparking interest in Luxembourgish Families and individuals to rediscover their country from a different perspective, and maybe get to places they haven’t seen before.

Our product is destined for the tourism industry, it aims to increase the time tourists spend in Luxembourg, while also offering Luxembourgish citizens an attractive way of spending their free time, meaning we target both an international and local audience.Tours especially designed for children will make our product attractive for young families.We expect our users’ age group to be between 30 and 60 years of age for our normal tours, and about 6-12 years for the children’s tours. Offering a series of tours tailored to smaller children opens up our service to younger families, and our general tours, with higher difficulty and longer distances, are destined for adults.

The home screen of our application
Choose your tour
Follow the tour and scan the QR-Codes

Download area

Download the media files you could need for your article or publication about us here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yotcogtey1hugrq/AAAbFTuxb6UV4DoBCoFlk8oka?dl=0

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